Be Here Now Audio Stories
Audio stories about the early days of Be Here Now, Ram Dass, and The Lama Foundation. These stories are told by:
Asha is a Lama Foundation co-founder and one of the artists who illustrated Be Here Now. She tells stories about early days with Ram Dass and the creation of Be Here Now at Lama Foundation.
Mirabai is an author and speaker who shares her experience of growing up in the world of Be Here Now and the alternative lifestyle of her family. She gives poetic accounts of her first encounters with Ram Dass at Lama Foundation. Mirabai tells us about Ram Dass seeing her sincere devotion to inner life as a spiritual seeker at the age of 13 and how he remained a caring uncle-figure and spiritual teacher for her for the rest of his life.
Mira tells stories of preserving the original Be Here Now pages and their appearance in a New Mexico art show.