We will no longer be sewing strings on the flags or printing on color bandanas or T-shirts, with the exception of Be Here Now cover shirts. Therefore, all other t-shirts are limited edition. We will continue printing on clean used apparel and selling it in our onsite shop. We still have some flags in stock with strings and/or color backgrounds. If you order a flag it may or may not have a string. If you order a flag that is no longer the original design you will be notified. We have also greatly simplified our flag pricing. Om Namah Shivaya!
Lama Foundation Cottage Industries
Lama Foundation helps support itself by creating products that carry messages of peace, community, awakening of consciousness and spiritual practice with respect for all traditions. Lama’s primary products are 75 interfaith prayer flag designs that have been continuously hand printed at Lama since 1970. Lama is proud to feature a growing line of products from BE HERE NOW, Ram Dass’s spiritual classic with original artwork by Lama Residents in 1970.